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Writer: Norse CodeNorse Code

This year, the Norse Code says goodbye to our advisor, Mr. Niedziejko, as he will be transferring to Greystone Elementary School next fall. Mr. N has worked at East for the past 18 years as an Art teacher, teaching AP Art, Studio Art, Portfolio Development, Photography, Sculpture, Comic and Animation, and AP Art History. He has also acted as the Norse Code advisor since 2007. To show our appreciation for all the support he has given us in the past few years, the Norse Code has compiled messages from Mr. N's students, both current and past, as a gift!

“Mr. N, thank you for helping me reach my artistic goals and enabling me to become the best artist I could!!! I appreciate everything you have done for me personally and the art department as a whole!!! Good luck with the elementary kids!!!!” - Natalie Manes

“Thank you for roasting me in class.” - Kristen Gonci

“You lift everyone up around you while also roasting them. Thanks for being a teacher I will always cherish! Best of luck with the little kids!” - Claudia Frankfurth

“Hi, Mr. N! I just wanted you to know that I appreciate all the help you’ve given me over the past year or so. I’m so glad that I get to chase my dreams thanks to your help! I’ll let you know how TCHS goes, thanks Mr. N you’re my favorite teacher ever!” - Tom Eynon

“Even with this crazy year, I have learned so much from Mr. N. I had him for both portfolio and sculpture and because of him, I have grown as an artist in many ways. I will miss him but I am so excited for all the new artists he will help grow. I hope he knows how much he has helped me and how I will remember everything he has taught me! Good luck at Greystone!


Eleana Rudderow”

“Thank you for everything Mr. N! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to work with you and become a better artist before we both move on to the next chapter of our lives. I wish you the best!” - Amanda Gomez

“Mr. N, thank you for all the amazing years of art classes with you! From sculpture to portfolio and AP art, you have taught us both so many valuable things! You have changed how we view our beautiful world and we are forever grateful! Thank you so much for everything and we wish you the best of luck on your next journey!!” - The Virtue Girls

“To Gonzo/Bus Duty Guy/Tom's Friend/Mr. N,

Thank you for everything you have done for me these past two years. Without your classes I would not feel so confident with my artwork and grown as much as I have. I will miss having riots in your class, making some good jokes/roasts, and causing chaos in your class. The East Art department has really grown because of you, Mrs. Duli, and Ms. Bellucci's hard work and dedication to something you are all very passionate about. I could not be more thankful. I will miss hearing some interesting stories about your past classes or your jokes (which really aren't that funny).

Most importantly, thank you for supporting me and all of your students with everything they do and pushing us to take the next creative step with our artwork. I wish you the best of luck and laughter on your new journey at Greystone! I think the one thing I will not miss is spelling your entire last name but thank you Mr. Niedziejko.” - Tori Brady

“Words cannot even come to life to describe how fun it was to you as an art teacher! I had so much fun joking around and going about my comics every class! Man the time has gone fast, I remember the first day of Comic class way back in 9th grade! You have taught me a lot about the Comic World!

Here’s Aravind Alwar wishing you good luck with your new position!I can’t wait to see you at the Senior Art Show next year!

Additional note:Aravind’s got Tim Robbins!” - Aravind Alwar

“Thank you so much for all your support, dedication, encouragement, and talent over the years. The East Art Department won't be the same without you, we will all miss you so much!” - Charlotte Little

“Thank you for being a great art teacher throughout these years! You will be missed and I hope you the best of luck in all the things for the future!” - Cecelia Castaneda

“Mr. N, thank you so much for challenging me to step out of my comfort zone in art class and showing me how to take different concepts and think about them in a whole new way!” - Radhika Nair

“Mr. N., thank you so much for making me laugh and poking fun at me for the past three years. You’ve always stuck with me even when I didn’t believe in myself, and you’re one of the most understanding people I’ve ever meant. But most of all, you’ve taught me so much about myself. Thank you for everything, and good luck at Greystone!” - Jessica Gomez

“Mr. N, thank you for everything you have done for the Norse Code (and for responding to my many emails!). The Norse Code has allowed me to grow as a writer, so I am incredibly grateful for your contributions as the advisor.

Your collaboration with Mrs. Duli and Mrs. Bellucci has made the art department such a wonderful community to participate in, and every art student is beyond lucky to be a part of it.”

- Grace Holland

“Thank you so much for being a part of the Norse Code with us! I’ve really appreciated all your help these past three years with making this newspaper actually happen! I know that the club will miss you next year!” - Lane Aubart

“Mr. N, thank you for being such a lovely advisor to the Norse Code! I’ve really enjoyed working with you on the newspaper these past three years and I’ve appreciated all your advice and feedback. We will miss you next year, and good luck at Greystone! - Alison Alexis

“Hey Mr.N! You've been a big help in making the East Art Department what it is, something that lasted through my sister's years into mine. Your dedication to the classroom, activities, and students has shown through how long you've been here. Thank you for allowing me and many others to shine and express themselves creatively!” - Alden Ritchey

“Mr. N,

To begin, I must thank you for all your guidance and encouragement in the time I spent in our first period photography class and while I worked on the Norse Code. My time at East was coming to an end very soon, so every conversation about your children, their experiences, and Penn State really comforted and reassured me in a scary time. I also did some of my favorite creative projects in your class, which always received words of excitement and interest from you. I still carry your advice and kindness with me today, and I hope you know you were a significant voice for me at East.

In this new chapter, I wish you all the best and know that the kids that enter your classroom will experience the same kindness, fun, and guidance that I did. Good luck to you!

To bright and colorful days ahead,

Emma Holland”

“Dear Mr. N,

I joined the Norse Code in freshman year with little idea of how much of an impact this club could have on my life. You trusted me with the newspaper as just a sophomore, but you had so much faith in me that I would be able to lead this publication. Through my time in the Norse Code, you have helped me grow into a confident and passionate leader. Thank you for all the encouragement you have given to me in the past four years-- while I relentlessly changed up the newspaper every year from digital pdfs to printed newspapers to a website, you have given me support every step of the way! I’m so grateful that I got to work with you as my advisor and learn from you. Good luck on your new venture at Greystone Elementary!


Fatema Mun”

“Mr. N, you were one of the most influential people I’ve ever gotten to know in my art career. You’ve taught me what true dedication to a craft looks like, what pushing the limits looks like, and you’ve helped me find out what’s special about me along the way. It’s been an honor to have you as my teacher to round out my senior year, and I’ll make sure to take everything you’ve taught me in the art world and in life on to the next chapters of my own life. Thanks for everything legend. -Xavier Piombino”

“Rock on!” - Mrs. Duli

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