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Alison Alexis

Though COVID has caused some physical barriers, we decided to continue our Teacher Profile series virtually! Although we could not meet in person, Ms. Flynn has answered some questions for us over email!

  1. What do you miss most about the normal school year?

I miss my students!! There’s not much personality through Zoom, and if there’s one thing my classroom is usually full of, it’s personality. It’s not as fun when you can’t have class-wide inside jokes and silly nicknames for groups of students. Overall, I miss being with my students.

  1. What are you looking forward to most about hybrid?

An exciting part about hybrid will be having the opportunity to get some type of camaraderie between peers. Right now, group work can be awkward because you’re collaborating with a person through a screen. It’s obvious that no matter how many times you put kids together in a breakout room, they won’t have the same type of group-dynamic relationship they would have if we were together.

  1. How did you spend your spring quarantine and summer? What did you do in your free time?

Getting outside was my saving grace. Whether it was a walk through town or a socially distanced workout, having the ability to be outside in the fresh air helped me mentally. I started getting up early and going for a walk before classes started when the sun was rising, and I will definitely miss those morning walks when we are back in full swing.

  1. What can/do students do that make the virtual experience better for you?

Put your cameras on!! I know it can be difficult to be truly awake for classes some days, but it feels lonely talking to a screen when no one is engaging with you. I miss being together, so being able to see my student’s bright and shining faces would definitely help!

  1. What’s your favorite part about teaching?

I love literature. I love to read and I love to write, but doing it by yourself can be underwhelming. There’s nothing like getting to discuss literature with my students. Creating an atmosphere where everyone can feel free to learn and actually enjoy what they’re working on is when it feels to me like everything “clicks.”

  1. When did you know you wanted to become a teacher?

I’ve always toyed with the idea of teaching, but it wasn’t until I was a senior in high school that I realized it was something I could see myself doing for years. At the time, I thought middle school was where I was a best fit, as that was my teaching placement for the year. Ten years later, I am so thankful I’m not in middle school. High schoolers and I get along much better.

  1. What’s your biggest advice to high school students?

Don’t wish this away!! Even though there are difficult or tedious or frustrating parts of high school, it all ends so quickly. And there will be a moment in the next ten years where you look back and miss something about this time. It might not be your classes specifically, but you will miss the friendship and the support and chance to learn in an atmosphere where your teachers had your best interest in mind (even if you didn’t think so in the moment).

  1. What’s your favorite movie/tv show?

"Gilmore Girls" is my favorite of all time. I can’t get enough of Lorelai Gilmore and her fast-talking spunky nature.

  1. What’s your favorite color?

Purple! Everything should be some shade of purple.

  1. What’s your favorite book?

So many! For school – "The Great Gatsby". But then there’s "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult, which had me in constant chaos. So maybe it’s a tie.

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