Are you interested in art? Would you like to learn how to make things like clothing and stuffed animals? Or do you already know how to crochet and want a place to focus on your hobby while interacting with others who share your interest? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might want to check out East Highschool’s Crochet Club. You can come to relax and work on your latest project or learn to make anything from hats to pompoms to the dreaded magic circle (which, despite what the name implies, is not used for casting spells, but rather crocheting anything round). If you’re still on the fence, don’t worry. I recently interviewed a few members of the Crochet Club to gather more information, so if you’re interested in joining, feel free to keep reading.
The current members spoke highly of Crochet Club. “The people. I love talking to people. I also get to learn so much,” says Dominique D. Even if you aren’t feeling up to jumping into learning a new skill, you can find ways to enjoy yourself. Audrey B says, “It’s super relaxing. You come here, you’re working on an art project, there’s music in the background. It’s relaxing and yet you’re working on something.” Another member, Ella K, claims it is the ‘ideal club’.
And, of course, Crochet Club is first and foremost about crocheting. Some of the members’ favorite items to crochet were amigurumi (crochet animals), hats, and scarves. One member even said that, while these aren’t their favorite, they’ve made many pumpkins. In addition to crocheting for yourself, this club could give you a perfect opportunity to make gifts. Audrey B says she most likes to crochet “a hat or anything I know I’m giving to someone else”. So if you’re behind on getting together all those holiday gifts or you have a friend’s birthday coming up, this club might be for you.
Now, one of the big questions on your mind is probably exactly how much crochet experience you need to join this club, and I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that the answer is none. The members I interviewed had been crocheting for varied amounts of time. Some for four months or more, and others only a day. Even if you’ve never picked up a roll of yarn in your life, you can still join this club. The other members will be more than happy to help you learn how to crochet or add new skills to your lineup.
So, does this sound like a club you would be interested in? If so, they meet in room 306 on Mondays after school until 3:30 pm. For more information, you can join their Schoology group with this code: F9ZQ-28PZ-RKHCK. In the meantime, you can check out the pictures below for examples of what you could one day make. Thanks for reading!

Here is an example of what you could make in Crochet Club. The black and white dino hat was made by Ella K, who considers it to be the best thing she ever crocheted.
The lovely purple hat on the left was made by Dominique D. It now has an amazing multicolored pom pom, but alas I don’t have a picture of the finished product.