An interview with Michelle Greenawalt, president and founder of the Breast Cancer Awareness Club at East. This interview occurred before November 10th.
What is the overall aim of the Breast Cancer Awareness Club you started here at East?
The aim of the BCA club is to bring students together for the ultimate goal of raising awareness and as much money as possible to fight breast cancer.
What inspired you to implement this club?
I was wondering how I could improve my college applications while also making a difference at school, so I decided starting a club would be the best way to do that. Choosing to base my club around breast cancer awareness was easy because breast cancer directly affected me, and resulted in the death of my mom. I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through, being a confused elementary schooler, in and out of hospitals wondering why I didn’t see my mom a lot, so I am doing everything I can to fund researchers to hopefully one day find a cure.
Can you talk a little bit about the upcoming fundraiser you have planned, Ball for BCA? When is it and what does it entail?
The Ball for BCA fundraiser is a 3 v 3 basketball tournament which will be hosted at school on Wednesday, November 10. This fun and friendly event will bring students together through the fun of basketball with friends, while also raising funds for research. Teams are encouraged to wear costumes so that even if they aren’t the best at basketball, they have a shot at winning the costume contest and be rewarded with a pink goodie basket, along with the winning team.
How can people get involved with Ball for BCA and help support the cause?
All students are given the opportunity to play in the tournament, but students who don’t want to play can also get involved by attending the fundraiser. Admission tickets will be sold starting Monday, the 8th, and all students are invited to watch their peers play and buy treats from the concession stand.
What is one ultimate goal you have for the club this school year?
I hope to raise at least $1000 for breast cancer research through fundraisers similar to my upcoming one. As soon as the ball for BCA fundraiser comes to an end, planning for the next one will begin.
Here’s an opportunity for some club promotion: why should students at East consider joining the Breast Cancer Awareness Club?
I truly believe that every student has a reason to be involved in the BCA club, despite my biased opinion. With over 100 members, not much is asked of the members to stay in the club. Every member must participate in one fundraiser per school year, which can be as little as spending $1 to watch it. The club looks great for college applications, and is a great way for students to give back and work together for a good cause.