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  • Dominique Dillard

With COVID-19, the wildfires, and the election, 2020 has created a lot of divisions in our country. Despite the hardships, these milestones have surely been a turning point in history. However, there is always a silver lining in every cloud. 2020 brought some amazing things that not many people know about. Below is a list of all the things to look forward to or continue enjoying for the rest of the year!

Sunscreens Impact on Coral Reefs:

Hawaii, Palau, and many other places have banned sunscreens with up to 10 different chemicals, like Oxybenzone and Avobenzone. Over 4,000 to 6,000 tons of sunscreen containing these chemicals make contact with the coral reefs. Even the tiniest bit of those chemicals can cause coral to break down and die. Luckily, this new bill will help protect the coral reefs from more damage. And of course, sunscreen without the chemicals can prevent clogged pores.

Mars 2020 Mission:

Image from NASA

On July 30, NASA sent off the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover. The rover is supposed to land at Jezero Crater on Mars on February 18, 2021, and will search for signs of life on its expedition. The rover and its onboard helicopter were actually named by two students! A 7th grader from Virginia named the helicopter ‘Ingenuity’, and a senior in Alabama named the rover ‘Perseverance’ (nicknamed Percy).

Total Eclipse in South America:

On December 14, 2020, a total solar eclipse will occur in certain parts of South America like Chile and Argentina. In southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica, a partial solar eclipse will occur. Sadly, it’s not visible in the United States. However, you can look forward to a partial solar eclipse on June 10, 2021, and a total lunar eclipse on May 15, 2022.

New Diverse Crayon Box and BandAids:

In July, Crayola launched 24 new colors of crayons meant to represent the diverse skin tones of the world. The box is titled Colors of the World and includes colors like Light Golden, Deep Almond, and Medium Deep Rose. Band-Aid’s have also announced 5 different skin-toned band-aids. Both of these decisions are great steps for inclusivity and diversity.

NASA Renamed Washington DC Headquarters:

Image from Forbes

NASA is renaming their Washington DC Headquarters after Mary W. Jackson, who was the first Black woman to work as an engineer at NASA. The news was announced in June, about a year after the street outside the headquarters was renamed ‘Hidden Figures Way’. Jim Bridenstine, a NASA administrator, said, “We proudly announce the Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters building. It appropriately sits on ‘Hidden Figures Way,’ a reminder that Mary is one of many incredible and talented professionals in NASA’s history who contributed to this agency’s success.”

Nobel Prize Winners:

Image from Firstpost

COVID may have put many things on hold, but not the Nobel Prize. This year, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was given to Drs. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M. Rice for their discovery of the hepatitis C virus. The Nobel Prize in Physics was given to Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez because of their work with black holes and discoveries that improved understanding of the universe. Two women, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work in developing genome editing. Louise Gluck, a famous poet, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The well known Nobel Peace Prize was given to the World Hunger Program, which is a program that combats world hunger. The Nobel Prize in Economic Science was presented to Paul R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson for improvements in auction theory and different auction inventions.

It may seem bleak at times, but it’s important to remain optimistic and find the silver linings in every situation!

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