A couple of nights ago, I passed by a house with blinking Christmas lights adorning the roof and a blowup Santa swaying in the yard. This house reminded me of a frequently asked question that often occurs around this time of year, is it too early to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving? I asked different people this question, and the results came back very divided (42% think it’s too early and 58% think it’s not). One person said, “why delay an amazing celebration.” Another response argued: “We still have a whole month till Christmas, it’s too early.”
There are many reasons to decorate early this year. For example, as ABC 7 News writes, people are decorating earlier “to help combat the emotional discomfort some are feeling during the stressful and painful coronavirus pandemic.” Many people agree with this sentiment. Radio stations have started playing Christmas music weeks earlier than usual, and Christmas decorations are popping up everywhere. With Thanksgiving classified as a superspreader event, many November traditions can’t occur this year. However, most Christmas traditions can still happen. Making cookies in an ugly Christmas sweater with “All I Want For Christmas” blaring in the background isn’t a superspreader event, so why not move it up a couple of weeks?
Of course, many people disagree with celebrating Christmas early. The Odyssey writes, “I think that they both deserve to have their month-long celebration. Why don’t we decide to be thankful now, and merry on the 24th of November?” The people I interviewed shared the same views. Someone even said, “Thanksgiving is a holiday that involves food, but also celebrates history and family.” People frequently forget that Thanksgiving is more than just food. It’s a time to look back on the year and be thankful for loved ones. To some, Christmas is a commercial holiday with no underlying meaning, which is why Thanksgiving’s message of gratitude is so important to them.
Whether you think celebrating Christmas early is ok because “it’s fun and the decorations make you happy” or you think “people should enjoy the part of the year that they’re in”, I wish you the happiest of holidays!