Woah, did I read that right? People want to take more science? I know, crazy thought, but some think science is fun! Lucky for those enthusiasts, East has many options for all their science needs.
Aquatic Ecology and Marine Biology Honors (11, 12) 1.2 credits/6 periods
Do you like water? I sure hope you would, since you need it to live. Have you ever thought of what is in said water? If you’re curious, you should look into Aquatic Ecology and Marine Biology! You can get hands-on research from the great outdoors and study all the funky living creatures and organisms in H20, how they impact their home, and other factors.
Thanks to my very cool classmate for answering these questions:
How is the workload?
The workload is pretty easy workload and not overwhelming.
Are there tests and quizzes?
There are some small quizzes but no tests.
Would you consider the class easy or hard or somewhere in between?
The class is easy and stress-free.
Why did you choose that science elective?
I knew I didn’t want to take a Physics class and it looked like a good alternative.
What is your favorite part about the class?
I really liked the Aquarium field trip and all of the field trips in general.
What is your least favorite part about the class?
Some of the labs are not always super fun, especially any of the water labs.
Would you recommend this class to upcoming Juniors and Seniors?
Yeah, I would recommend this class, it's chill, and there are lots of field trips.
Organic Chemistry and Forensics Honors (11, 12) 1.2 credits/6 periods
Tracking down people who actually took these classes last year is one tough job, so unfortunately, I did not get a student survey but don’t let that discourage you. Want to know what is behind the curtain of organic compounds? While it might not sound super exciting, it is important to understand how things are made. If you are a true crime fan, this class might interest you! Study “real” crime scenes, dust for prints, and bring out your inner detective. Also, to the best of my knowledge, there are no tests, and grading is based on labs, so you should totes take this class!
Consumer and Green Chemistry Honors (11, 12) 1.2 credits/6 periods
Gather round, gather round, I have something to tell you that will absolutely blow your mind. You should take Consumer and Green Chemistry!!!! Mind-blowing stuff, I know, but it’s the cold hard truth. It is so super fun, with no tests, and every lab is interesting! The main focus of the class is to see what consumer products are made and experiment in the most resourceful way possible. And cough cough, there are field trips, so you should definitely give it a chance.
Answers from my very amazing and fun classmates (and maybe a bit of myself):
How is the workload?
Good, great, not bad, all very profound and encouraging words.
Are there tests and quizzes?
No tests or quizzes, how cool! (all the grading is based on labs and the occasional worksheet)
Would you consider the class easy or hard or somewhere in between?
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Why did you choose that science elective?
Heard there were no tests and needed a science credit.
What is your favorite part about the class?
Again there are no tests ( if you didn’t catch that) and barely any homework since most of the labs are finished within the class.
What is your least favorite part about the class?
Writing the lab reports becomes a little tedious but much better than studying for assessments.
Would you recommend this class to upcoming Juniors and Seniors?
Yes, please take this class. It is fun and has a nice environment, I’m not biased at all. Instead of the labs being highly monitored and uniform, you can branch out and come up with your own experiments, which means you can apply all of your superior chemistry skills.
Human Anatomy and Infectious Disease Honors (11, 12) 1.2 credits/6 periods
Skeletons, viruses, brains, oh my! Ever wonder what the actual inside of a body is like? Want to infect dangerous diseases in the general populous? Human Anatomy and Infectious Diseases is for you. Have a great in-of-body experience and get your germ on.
Big thank you to my wonderful co-editor for these answers:
How is the workload?
The workload is pretty light because we get a lot of class time to finish any assignments.
Are there tests and quizzes?
We have tests and quizzes, but they are pretty chill. We always get review time, and if we do badly, Mr. Prinzo lets us retake it.
Would you consider the class easy or hard or somewhere in between?
I’d say this class is pretty easy, expectation-wise. As long as you try, you’ll do well. The content is a little tough to understand, but it’s not too hard to understand if you study and pay attention.
Why did you choose that science elective?
I always thought that anatomy was interesting, and I didn’t want to take physics.
What is your favorite part about the class?
My favorite part is our labs because they are always fun and applicable to the real world.
What is your least favorite part about the class?
My least favorite part is something I would rather not say (cough annoying classmates cough).
Would you recommend this class to upcoming Juniors and Seniors?
I’d definitely recommend it!!!
Physics Principles of Engineering Honors (11, 12) 1.2 credits/6 periods
This class is a new combination of the previous two physics electives, but you don’t have to be a phiz wiz to take this class! If you liked legos as a kid, I assure you this class will stimulate that same feeling. Get your creative juices flowing by inventing your own unique ways to build solar ovens, putt putt boats, and much much more. Expand your knowledge and expectations in Physics Principles of Engineering.
Terrific answers provided by a current Thermodynamics and Optics student (which is as close as I can get to a person in this class):
How is the workload?
There is no homework, but lots of building and projects though there are double labs so there is always time to finish. I rarely ever take projects home unless you have specific objects at home I would like to use.
Are there tests and quizzes?
No tests or quizzes just projects in class.
Would you consider the class easy or hard or somewhere in between?
Somewhere in between because it is sometimes challenging if the project doesn’t work. It can get difficult and frustrating if it doesn’t perform the way I want it to.
Why did you choose that science elective?
The name was interesting and I wanted to go into engineering. This was a great way to get a taste of it before college.
What is your favorite part about the class?
Designing, building, and doing research are some of my favorite parts about this class. I love seeing all the projects out there and then combining them to see how it all works. When my project turns out the way I want it too I am proud and feel it was all worth it.
What is your least favorite part about the class?
Don’t have any big issues except the occasional project not working, but I can keep going and fix it.
Would you recommend this class to upcoming Juniors and Seniors?
Yes, I would recommend this class it is self-rewarding and tests your skills.
Advanced Geoscience: Astronomy and Geology (11, 12) 2 credits/6 periods
Again, very unfortunate that I could not find anyone who took this class last year. However, if you are looking for a step up to a college-level class, this is for you! Learn about rocks, space, and everything in between. Not only will you have a blast you will receive 6 college credits. There is one catch, it costs $200 to take, but compared to the prices of a normal college class you are saving lots of money.