The enthusiasm surrounding Spirit Week is electric as everyone anxiously waits for the big Homecoming Dance. This year was like no other. From creative concepts to perfect participation, it had it all. Let’s dive deeper into each day and see if you can find yourself in the pictures!
Hollywood: On this day, some well-known celebrities graced the school with their presence. Paparazzi crowded the halls taking pictures and adoring fans pushed and shoved for autographs. There were also renowned characters stalking the halls as if they popped out right from the screen.
Barbenheimer: A very timely theme that capitalized on the biggest double feature of the summer! It was a blast from the past, covered with pink and glitter that was literally the bomb.

Ages and Stages: Whoever says old people are not active was clearly not at East when the early bird specials hobbled into school with a ferocity never before seen. And it is a good thing the seniors lost their hearing aids since there was plenty of crying and crawling from the young whippersnappers taking over with their goos and gahs.

Jukebox Jams: Everyone jammed out as their favorite artists on Thursday! It definitely exposed certain people’s music tastes, and not always for the better.

HOCO Shirts: A classic theme for the pep rally and big Homecoming day! A wave of white and red encompassed the school, knocking school spirit into the student population for at least one day.