Dear Nora,
I keep falling asleep in my math class and don’t understand anything. I have math class first period, and it is killing me. Every time I try to focus on the content, I start to doze off from lack of sleep. With the amount of time I spend in class yawning, I’m not surprised that I don’t understand the homework. I feel that I am too far behind to catch up with my peers. I know that the right thing to do would be to get the proper amount of sleep so I can focus in the morning, but I just can’t seem to get to sleep any earlier than 11:00 pm. And if I do somehow manage to sleep before 11:00, I am still just as tired in the morning. Nora, what should I do?
- A Tired Student A.K.A. Sleepy the 6th Dwarf
Dear Sleepy,
Don’t worry! I also took a first period math class last year and suffered from the same tragic, tragic drowsiness. The feeling of realizing you were actually staring at the whiteboard daydreaming about being back in bed for the whole class instead of taking notes is a feeling I will never miss. Last year, my cure to the constant snoozing was sleeping earlier. It may seem like an impossible task, but it becomes more manageable over time. When you close your eyes, but the possibility of drifting off into sleep just isn’t looking too high, I suggest getting out of bed. Laying there and staring at the ceiling will not help unless you plan on counting sheep. Simply going on a walk or reading a book will tire your body and mind. Other alternatives include reducing your caffeine intake throughout the day, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, listening to white/brown noise, and avoiding bright lights prior to bedtime. I hope my guidance brings you a better sleep tonight!
Don’t let the bedbugs bite,